Legal Malpractice

Malpractice claim in a bankruptcy filing gone wrong

Although a bankruptcy filing may be a strategic move for some companies and individuals, it often means that something has…

4 years ago

New York Appellate Court Adopts Broad Causation Standard in Legal Malpractice Case

Appellate Court Adopts Broad Causation Standard Generally, in a legal malpractice case, the plaintiff must prove that it would have…

8 years ago

Update: Colorado’s New Law on Proving Collectibility in Legal Malpractice Actions

When clients are harmed by the malpractice of a lawyer, they oftentimes face a second, potentially more complicated lawsuit. The plaintiff-clients…

8 years ago

Ogborn Mihm Lawyers’ Article Cited to by Colorado Court of Appeals

The Colorado Appellate Court, in a written opnion, recently cited to a law review article written by Mike Cross and…

8 years ago

Colorado’s New Law on Proving Collectibility in Legal Malpractice Actions

Colorado's New Law on Proving Collectibility When clients are harmed by the malpractice of a lawyer, they oftentimes face a…

8 years ago

How Lawyers Should Approach Situations Posing Possible Conflicts of Interest– Generally

This is the 10th and final of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the 2015 edition of Lawyers’…

9 years ago

Imputed Conflicts of Interest

Imputed Conflicts of Interest Rules This is the ninth of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the…

9 years ago

Client Consent to Conflicts of Interest

This is the eighth of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the 2015 edition of Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility…

9 years ago

Positional or “Issue” Conflicts

Positional or Issue Conflict of Interest This is the seventh of a series of articles, based on a chapter from…

9 years ago

Conflicts with Former Clients

Conflicts with Former Clients This is the sixth of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the 2015…

9 years ago