
How Lawyers Should Approach Situations Posing Possible Conflicts of Interest– Generally

This is the 10th and final of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the 2015 edition of Lawyers’…

9 years ago

Imputed Conflicts of Interest

Imputed Conflicts of Interest Rules This is the ninth of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the…

9 years ago

Client Consent to Conflicts of Interest

This is the eighth of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the 2015 edition of Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility…

9 years ago

Positional or “Issue” Conflicts

Positional or Issue Conflict of Interest This is the seventh of a series of articles, based on a chapter from…

9 years ago

Conflicts with Former Clients

Conflicts with Former Clients This is the sixth of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the 2015…

9 years ago

Conflicts Between a Lawyer’s Personal Interests and a Client’s Interests

This is the fifth of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the 2015 edition of Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility…

9 years ago

Conflicts of Interest Among Clients

Concurrent Conflict of Interest Among Clients This is the fourth of a series of articles, based on a chapter from…

9 years ago

General Principles of Colorado’s Conflict of Interest Rules

This is the third of a series of articles, based on a chapter from the 2015 edition of Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility…

9 years ago

What is a Conflict of Interest and What Conflicts of Interest Really Matter

Legal Conflict of Interest This attorney conflict of interest blog post is based on a chapter from the 2015 edition…

9 years ago

Policy Considerations Behind the Conflict of Interest Rules

The rules regulating lawyers’ conflicts of interest arise out of a number of competing policy concerns. These policy concerns tacitly…

9 years ago